Help Second Star with your online shopping!

Did you know you can support Second Star by raising money every time you shop online? – and it doesn’t cost a penny!

We’re using easyfundraising, a free fundraising platform that allows us to earn money when we all shop online. easyfundraising works with over 7,000 online retailers, everyone from Tesco, eBay, Sports Direct, M&S, Boots, Just Eat,, and everything in between.

Once signed up all you need to do is start your shopping journey at the easyfundraising website, use the browser extension or app (information will be provided when you register) and the retailer you shop with will send us a free donation based on how much you spend.

With the cost of living impacting everyone, this isn’t about asking you to spend more, but to make you aware that if you are making an on-line purchase anyway that by using easyfundraising you can give to us at the same time and at no additional cost to you. 

So please support us if you can by registering yourself today at it only takes 2 minutes and all you need is your email address. Please also share with your friends and family if they would also like to help!

 PLUS – to help us get up and running, for a limited time only, we have been offered an additional incentive!

For the next two weeks easyfundraising will give us £1 for every new supporter if we can get a minimum of 10 signed up WITH NO UPPER LIMIT, so 10 = £10, 20 = £20 and so on so now is the ideal time to do it.  Register here today:

Further reading

Second Star is delighted to welcome the Wild Clover Flower Company as a partner florist.
Second Star is delighted to release its range of Christmas Greetings Cards.
Second Star will be at the Rosie Hospital running one of our Pop-up Bakery events.
Second Star is delighted to announce that Gin House Flowers has joined our voucher program.
Second Star is pround to announce their first ever Pop-up Bakery!
Second Star is now a registered cause on